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In my opinion,be yourself is the most important part of everyone's life.In this way,we can be help ourself to know more things that about life and the world.Maybe be a person who others ordered can make you success,but it's others' way.You'll never be pound of it.

So,try to be yourself and you can get a better life.

In my opinion,success means achieving brilliant results in one’s work,that is,making outstanding contributions to the development of the country and bringing happiness to the people.So my conclusion is that even if one has made great progress in what he does,I don’t think there’s any reason for him to be conceited.


仪式还是很重要的。仪式感就是使某一天或某一时刻与其他日子或其他时刻不同,比如过年、过节、毕业礼、婚礼、寿礼等等,但这些也不是仪式感的全部,仪式感是人们表达内心情感最直接的方式,更多的是人对生活的态度,有仪式感的生活,才会使人感觉日子有希望、有盼头。所以说 仪式感还是很重要的。


首先用英语写明自己对学历重要还是人品重要的观点和认识,其次用英语结合实际事例,对自己的观点和认识进行论证分析 ,并为自己的观点和认识提供论据支撑。









题目:The importance of self-discipline

In today's society, self-discipline is absolutely important, especially for college students. Compared with high school students, college students have relatively free choice of what to do and how to do. It is such a change that requires our college students to be more self-discipline.

Self discipline is the key to improve themselves. On the one hand, without self-discipline, some college students will be distracted by other temptations, such as playing games College students in self-restraint, will stimulate their own enthusiasm, learn some useful things to improve their ability, and college students are in the formation of personality and quality of the important period, self-discipline is to shape the necessary conditions of college students themselves, a self-discipline college students will take responsibility, the courage to try, in order to become a better person, he will overcome laziness, greed and other Temptation, focus on yourself to be better. In addition, self-discipline helps him to become a respectable person, because the self-discipline person will control himself, abide by the general rules or morality, and avoid doing things harmful to the society and the public.

Self discipline is very important and necessary, especially for college students, who are in a critical period in determining their world outlook and values.




The importance of time As a proverb says, "Time ismoney." But i n my opinion, time is even more preciou s than money. Why?Because when mon ey is spent, we can earn it back. Howeve r, when time is gone,it will never return. This is the reason why we must value ti me. It goes without saying that the time for o ur study andwork is unusually limited. So , even every moment is extremely preci ous. Weshould make full use of our time to do useful things. As a student, I make efforts to engage in my st udy so as to se rve my future better. However, it is apity that there are many students who do no t know how to use the time. They donot r ealize that wasting time is equal to wasti ng a part of their meaningfullife. In a word, we should form the ha



1. 身心健康:保证幼儿身体健康和心理健康是非常重要的。幼儿需要充足的营养、锻炼和睡眠来促进身体发育。同时,帮助他们建立积极的自我形象,学会情绪管理和社交技能,有助于他们的心理健康。

2. 安全与保护:确保幼儿在安全和关爱的环境中成长,保护他们免受虐待、忽视和暴力的伤害。

3. 亲子关系:建立良好的亲子关系对幼儿的成长非常重要。父母应该给予幼儿关爱、关注和支持,帮助他们建立安全感和信任感。

4. 早期识字和数学技能:研究表明,早期识字和数学技能的发展对以后的学术成就有很大影响。幼儿教育应该注重培养孩子的阅读、写作、计算和问题解决能力。

5. 社交技能:学会与他人交往和合作是幼儿教育的重要组成部分。这包括帮助孩子理解他人感受,学会分享、轮流和沟通等基本社交技能。

6. 创造力和想象力:鼓励幼儿发挥想象力和创造力,培养他们的好奇心和对学习的热爱。

7. 动手实践:通过手工、艺术、音乐和户外活动等途径,鼓励幼儿动手操作,帮助他们全面发展。



English is an global language.We will use it more widespread.

  And I thought English is interesting and useful.

  For example, maybe we will go abroad,if we can not speak English,it's problem for us to talk with other's.And college entrance examination is coming,we should study English for exam.

  That's why I want to study English .As matter of fact,I really like English

