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优点:You can take a bus to nearly everywhere you want to. There are thousands of lines in the city and you can choose anyone according to your need.It's cheap and convenient to take.

缺点:The road are getting more and more crowded. Buses depends on the traffice condition and you may be late for your time. Also, in rush hours the buses are too crowded.


优点:When you need to go far away from home, taking a train is more cheaper than a airplane. Also, your space is quite big on the train and you can play with your friends as you like.

缺点:If you need to stay overnight on the train, sometimes it's noisy for you to sleep. Also, there may be some thieves on the train.


优点:You can watch the beautiful sea or river as you like. Also, the ships can take to some places which a train can't.

缺点:A ship often goes slowly. Further more, you may feel sick when the ship shakes with the wave of the sea.


优点:An airplane can take you to the place you want in a short time. Also, the services on the airplane is very good. You can eat nice food and even watching vedio.

缺点:The airport is usually far from the downtown and it takes you some time to get to the airport. Also, airplane will often delay or cancelled by the bad weather


Money is necessary in our life. We will have a rich life when we have much money.

Most of people think we can do anything if we have money. I don't think so. Some people aren't happy though they have much money, because their money is obtained by unjust means. They always live a frightened life. Money often makes people do bad things, even illegal activities.

We must make money and spend it in a reasonable way. We will be happy


Labor Education is an indispensable part of our school education. It aims to cultivate students' work ethic and the value of labor, which is crucial for their future development. 

Through labor education, students can learn to respect work, understand the joy it brings, and appreciate the effort of those who work hard. Students are encouraged to work together and help each other to complete tasks, which enhances their teamwork spirit. As a result, they can develop a sense of responsibility and gain valuable life skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.















With the help of the Internet,shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like,and the shopping is finished. You needn't step out of the room。

  It seems easy and quick. But there's always a trap(陷阱)online. If you are careless,it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want,or the size is either too small or too big. If you want to be different,you'd better not buy clothes online. Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out,you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street。

  So you must be careful,because everything has two sides.


Advantages and disadvantages of electronic payment

Spring Festival is a big day because people can have a chance to stay with their families. For children, they like it very much. Because I can get a lot of lucky money from relatives, my parents always advise me to keep the money, but I don't want to do it.

I want to buy what I want. My friend told me that he saved some money. I was surprised, So from this year on, I want to save some money.

I plan to divide my lucky money into two parts, one is to buy me what I want, the other is to save it for me, so that I can always have money. Now I have learned how to deal with my money. I don't waste money any more.

I am proud of myself.



1. 主题:确定要告诉读者的主题,比如家庭教育、亲子关系、情感交流、成长等等。

2. 内容:确定故事的情节,包括主人公、背景、事件、教育方法等,需要让读者产生共鸣和启示。

3. 格式:选择合适的格式,比如故事、寓言、童话、小说等,不同的格式能够使故事更加生动有趣。


1. 真实性:故事最好基于真实的经历和事件,这样更能牵动读者的情感和感受。

2. 情感:通过一些细节和情感描写来加深读者对故事人物的感情,让读者更加深入地了解和体验到故事背后的情感。

3. 亲子关系:在故事中,可以表现出亲子关系的重要性,并展现出良好的家庭和情感教育的实践。

4. 教育智慧:不仅要有故事情节,还需要提供教育智慧,让读者在故事中得到启示,并从中学习到宝贵的亲子教育经验和方法。





Online reservation

With the popularity of computers and mobile phones, online order is becoming more and more popular.

On the one hand, online order is very convenient.You only need to sit at home, for example, online order, it to your door.On the other hand, online order can also be dangerous because you may be cheated.What is more, the food may be is not the same as you imagine.