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2. E D G A F C B

3. teacher by car writer singer on foot artist TV reporter


1. ③ ② ④ ⑥ ① ⑤

2. 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) A


1. 1) × 2) × 3) √ 4) √ 5) √


2. salesperson doctor policeman cleaner farmers student

3. C D A B


1. 1) doctor 2) salesperson 3) cleaner 4) artist 5) teacher

2. 1) doctor Where How by car

2) What singer Where does she work How does she go to work by plane

3. 1) E 2) D 3) C 4) A 5)B


2. 1) B 2) B 3) C 4) C 5) C

3. 1) engineer 2) salesperson 3) Where does Mark work 4) He often goes to work on foot














2010—2011学年第二学期四年级知识能力竞赛英语试题一、用手写体在四线三格中写出下列字母的分解笔顺。(5分)例:A: E F H Mt 二、找出不同类的单词(5分)( )1. A. nice B. clever C. nine D. cute( )2. A. China B. Christmas C. America C. England( )3. A. worse B. young C. strong D. old( )4. A. take B. went C. dance D. ride( )5. A. hair B. nose C. eye D. picnic三、选出最合适的答案。(10分)( )1. Today is Wednesday and tomorrow is ________. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday( )2. I’m going to have a picnic ______ Sunday. A. in B. at C. on( )3. It _______ rainy last night. A. was B. will C. is( )4. I like pop music. I can play the ______. A. zither B. guitar C. erhu( )5. She was fat then. Now she is _______. A. short B. long C. thin( )6. Sanya is a famous city in China. It’s in the _______. A. east B. north C. south( )7. I am six. I was _______ then. A. seven B. nine C. five( )8. Lily is ________. She doesn’t like talking with others(其他人). A. shy B. famous C. cute( )9. There are many ______ on the river. A. boats B. cars C. buses( )10. Amy helps her mother. Daming plays on the computer. Amy is ____ than Daming. A. better B. worse B. good四、选词填空(每词只能用一次)。(5分) about, naughty, bigger, cooked, with 1. This is Nancy. She is _____________.2. It’s a book ___________ pandas.3. On Monday, I will play ________ my friends.4. Beijing is __________ than Tianjin.5. Yesterday my mother ________ noodles.五、在II 栏中选出I栏的答语。(5分) I 栏 II栏( )1. Are you cool A. No, he wasn’t.( )2. Was he old then B. Jinan is the capital of Shangdong.( )3. Did you dance yesterday C. No, I’m not.( )4. Can you speak English D. Yes, I did.( )5. What is the capital of Shandong E. Yes, I can.六、从方框中选出合适的句子的序号完成对话。(5分)A: Good morning, Daming. B: 1 A: Did you go to the park yesterday B: 2 A: Why not B: 3 A: What will you do tomorrow B: 4 A: Will it be sunny tomorrow B: 5 A: Have a good time. B: Thank you.七、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分)1. you, ball, will, your, tomorrow, take ( )2. English, American, people, in, speak ( . )3.listen, yesterday, to, you, did, music ( )4. the, the, carried, Sam, bike, watermelon, on ( . )5. Guangxi, Nanning, capital, of, the, is ( . )八、按课文内容排序。(5分)( )Because tomorrow is Friday. ( )On Saturday we’re going to have a picninc!( )No, I won’t.( )Why not( )Will you take your ball tomorrow九、读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)It was Sunday yesterday. The weather was fine. Jim and Tom went to the zoo by bike. They saw(看见)many animals there. They were very happy. At eleven o’clock, they were hungry and thirsty. So they bought some hot dogs and some milk. They had them for lunch. Then they played in the zoo. They jumped and ran(跑), and then Jim fell and bumped his arm.( )1. The weather was fine yesterday.( )2. They went to the park by bike.( )3. They saw many animals.( )4. They had some bread and milk for lunch.( )5. Jim bumped his leg.






1、I have a car we have cars

2、He is an American boy. They are American boys

3、It is a car They are cars

4、This is an eraser These are erasers


Unit 1

window:['windəu] 窗户

have:[hæv] (我们)有

board:[bɔ:d] 写字板

new:[nju:] 新的

light:[lait] 灯,灯管go 去

picture:['piktʃə] 画,图画

where:[hwɛə] 在哪里

door:[dɔ:] 门

computer:[kəm'pju:tə] 计算机

floor:[flɔ:] 地板

teacher’s desk 讲台

classroom:['klɑ:srum] 教室wall:[wɔ:l] 墙

many:['meni] 许多的

fan:[fæn] 扇子,电扇


clean:[kli:n] 打扫,清洁,擦干净的

classmate['klɑ:smeit] 同学

good idea:[gud][ai'diə] 好主意

have a look:[hæv][ei][luk] 看一看

all right :[ɔ:l][rait]好吧,好的

seat:[si:t] 座位

good job:[gud][dʒɔb] 干的好

ear:[iə] 在……的旁边

you:[ju:] 你

what:[hwɔt] 什么

see:[si:] 看

in :[in]在……里面

me:[mi:] 我

the:[ðə] 这个,这里

look at:[luk][æt] 看……

we:[wi:] 我们

Unit 2

Chinese book 语文书

pencil:['pensl] 铅笔

English book 英语书

twenty-one:['twenti,wʌn] 二十一

math book:[mæθ][buk] 数学书

thirty-one:['θə:ti][wʌn] 三十一

schoolbag:[ˈsku:lˌbæg] 书包

forty-one:['fɔ:ti][wʌn] 四十一

story-book:['stɔ:ri][buk] 故事书

fifty:['fifti] 五十

notebook:['nəutbuk] 笔记本

too many :[tu:]['meni]太多了

colour:['kʌlə] 颜色

fat:[fæt] 胖的

heavy:['hevi] 重的;沉重的

may:[mei] 可以

what’s=what is

sure:[ʃuə] 当然可以

sorry:['sɔri] 对不起

here you are:[hiə][ju:][ɑ:] 给你

Unit 3

long hair:[lɔŋ][hɛə] 长头发

short hair:[ʃɔ:t][hɛə] 短头发

thin:[θin] 瘦的

strong:[strɔŋ] 健壮的

quiet:['kwaiət] 安静的


Chinese 中国的

like:[laik] 喜欢

his:[hiz] 他的

photo:['fəutəu] 照片

he’s=he ishas (他/她)有

name:[neim] 名字

he:[hi:] 他

teacher:['ti:tʃə] 教师

student:['stju:dənt] 学生

music:['mju:zik] 音乐

science:['saiəns] 科学

sports:[spɔ:ts] 体育运动

computer game:[kəm'pju:tə][geim] 电脑游戏

painting:['peintiŋ] 绘画

she’s=she is her 她的

you’re=you are

she:[ʃi:] 她

right:[rait] 对的;正确的

boy :[bɔi]男孩

girl:[gə:l] 女孩

friend:[frend] 朋友

Unit 4

study:['stʌdi] 书房

bathroom:['bæθrum] 卫生间

bedroom:['bedrum] 卧室

living room:['liviŋ][ru:m]客厅

kitchen:['kitʃin] 厨房

it’s=it is

hey:[hei] 嘿

fish:[fiʃ] 鱼


nothere 这里

home[həum] 家

room:[ru:m] 房间

school:[sku:l] 学校

classroom:['klɑ:srum] 教室

phone:[fəun] 电话


sofa:['səufə] 沙发

shelf:[ʃelf] 书架

fridge:[fridʒ] 冰箱

table:['teibl] 桌子

they:[ðei] 他们

aren’t=are not

they’re=they are

key:[ki:] 钥匙

open:['əupən] 打开

look:[luk] 看

please:[pli:z] 请

on 在……上面

no 不;不是

window:['windəu] 窗户

desk:[desk] 课桌;书桌

door:[dɔ:] 门

chair:[tʃɛə] 椅子

bed:[bed] 床

Unit 5

rice:[rais] 米饭

fish:[fiʃ] 鱼

noodle(s) :['nu:dl]面条(复数)

beef:[bi:f] 牛肉

vegetable:['vedʒitəbl] 蔬菜

soup:[su:p] 汤

have:[hæv] 吃

dinner:['dinə] 晚餐;正餐

wait 等

I’d like=I would

likebread 面包 :[bred]

milk:[milk] 牛奶

egg:[eg] 蛋

water:['wɔ:tə] 水

hungry:['hʌŋgri] 饥饿的

for:[fɔ:] 为;给

thank you:[θæŋk] [ju:]谢谢你

knife:[naif] 刀

chopsticks:['tʃɔpstiks] 筷子(复数)

spoon:[spu:n] 勺子

plate:[pleit] 盘子

fork:[fɔ:k] 叉子

help:[help] 帮助;帮忙

pass:[pɑ:s] 传递

ready:['redi] 准备好了

try :[trai]常识;试一下

help yourself:[help] [juə'self]随便吃

show 展示[ʃəu]

yummy:['jʌmi] 好吃的

food:[fu:d] 食物

use:[ju:z] 使用

chicken:['tʃikin] 鸡肉

Unit 6

family :['fæmili]家庭

parents 父母

uncle:['ʌŋkl] 叔叔;舅舅

aunt:[ɑ:nt] 姑姑;婶;姨

baby:['beibi] 婴儿

people:['pi:pl] 人

member:['membə] 成员

only:['əunli] 只有;仅仅

puppy:['pʌpi] 小狗

gee:['dʒi:] 用以表示惊奇、赞赏

come:[kʌm] 来

who:[hu:] 谁

sister:['sistə] 姐妹

brother:['brʌðə] 兄弟

father:['fɑ:ðə] 父亲;爸爸

baseball player:['beis,bɔ:l] ['pleiə]棒球运动员

driver :['draivə]司机

doctor:['dɔktə] 医生

farmer:['fɑ:mə] 农民

nurse:[nə:s] 护士

look:[luk] 看上去;看;瞧

young:[jʌŋ] 年轻的




