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my living room is large.There is a talbe in the midde of the room.There is a air conditioning in the living room.It is on the right. The air conditioning is white.There is a television.The television is white.It is on the cabinets.There are three sofas near the talbe.There a light on the ceiling.I like my living room.It's very beatiful!

英语作文my hero小学五年级?

my hero的英语作文一

  In my heart,my hero is LeiFeng.

  LeiFeng is a person who are very famous in chinese history. In the past,many people knew him as a moral model.Because LeiFeng has a good heart in helping people,especially in old people and children.

  He likes helping each other. And he did many good things in his short life and leave a great impression on many people for good.







  秋天的果园是五彩缤纷的,像小灯笼一样的红苹果挂满枝头。黄澄澄的鸭梨挤在一起,活像个胖嘟嘟的小娃娃。葡萄叶下有大片玛瑙般的葡萄,一个个晶莹透亮,好像在说:“想不想尝尝我这晶莹的葡萄呀?”石榴子儿也出来热闹一下,他们把“屋子”挤破落到地上,正在游玩整个“世界”。树上的粉红色小石榴子儿嫉妒地说:“有什么好炫耀的,长大了我也能。”小山枣也成熟了,快活极了,放声大叫:“在秋天,我是最红火的!”果园里的果子真快活!   晚上,果园里的果子也很快活。无数个小果子在自家开起了聚会。让我们先来参观苹果一家。苹果爷爷正在说:“孩子们,今晚我们快活得玩吧,哈哈哈!”西瓜子不甘心地说:“到了夏天,看你们谁还能疯起来。”我们又参观了梨子一家,无数个胖娃娃正在开展“谁最胖”大赛。冠军明年可以代表梨子们向辛勤的园丁问好。大家还没发现地上的野菊花也在开放,香气布满整个果园,它自豪地说:“果园的香气都是因为我,所以千万别破坏花草树木呀!”   早上,果园的果子正在吃早餐,苹果的脸变得更红了,梨子更胖了。所有的果子都变了,大家全都换一身更漂亮的新衣服。小山枣好奇地问:“这是谁做的?”满地的小草回答:“是你们的主人做的,他天天给你们喝水、杀虫,辛苦极了。你们长得好才能报答他的苦心呀。”   果园里还是那样的热闹,地上的小花还在比美,真是桃李争妍呀!姹紫嫣红的花,各种各样丰满的水果,它们为什么会变成这样呢?因为它们要感谢他们那辛勤的园丁为它们所做的一切。  果园里的果子在秋天里最快乐。园丁还是像往常一样洒水、杀虫,但他不知道,果子早已成熟了


  My favourite season is autumn. When autumn comes ,the weather is very cool and there is much wind. Autumn is a harvest season.Farmers are busy getting in crops .They are tired but very happy .

  I like autumn.I like playing basketball,football and table tennis. I also like playing tennis.I like playing games with my good friends. I like skipping,too. At weekends , I skip with my best friend. We have a good time. Sometimes I climb the hills with my parents.We take a lot of food with us ,such as hamburgers ,eggs ,bread and so on .We also take a camera.with us .We have a picnic on the hill.We also take many pictures. We feel very happy.







答: Beijing Forbidden City, the Ming and Qing dynasties of the palace. Located in the center of Beijing. Ching Ming, said the Forbidden City in 1925, said before the Forbidden City. Station area of 15 square meters. Is the world's largest and best preserved ancient palace complex. Is the highest level of ancient Chinese

小学五年级上册英语作文my shopping?

Yesterday was my shopping day.I went to the shopping mall.First,I bonght some bags of chips and some cans of cola,Then,I bought two boxes of tissues.After that,I bought a beautiful dress.I was very happy.昨天是我的购物日,我去了购物中心。首先,我买了一些薯片和可乐,然后,我买了两盒纸巾,在那之后,我买了一条漂亮的裙子。我非常开心。


Butterfly is the general name of a class of insects in Insecta, Amphiesmenoptera and Lepidoptera.

Nearly 20,000 species have been recorded in the world. China is rich in butterfly resources, and more than 2,000 species have been recorded.

Most butterflies have rod-shaped or hammer-shaped antennae, which move during the day, and their two-wing connectors are wing-hugging, and their bodies are relatively slender.


Dinosaurs are very large creatures which appeared on the earth millions of years ago.They became extinct many years later because of a change in climate and they could no longer find any food to eat.Today,people know that dinosaurs had once existed because scientists discovered the remains of their bones when they dug underneath the ground.We can see the skeletons of these dinosaurs now in the museums.