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Do you know our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough. For example, one day,two students ran after each other in the hallway. Suddenly, one of them fell down and hurt his leg because of the wet floor. Therefore, he had to stay in the hospital for two weeks. So I think students should always walk but not run in the hallways. And the teachers had better keep one eye on the students after class and stop them from running. At last , I hope all the students should pay attention to their safety in school.





As we know,junk food is bad for our healthy,so we should eat less of it.Why can't we eat junk food?Because junk food contains many harmful substances,will lead us to cancer and junk food will shorten our life.However,health food can enable us to have a good state to study or work,and it can make our healthy not ill.So,health food is more helpful to our life,we should eat healthy food.



兰兰起的很早,今天她要去白马石刻公园观察植物,因为老师让同学们写一篇关于植物的作文。爸爸、妈妈出差了,今天兰兰要一个人去白马石刻公园。兰兰准备好了,就高高兴兴地出发了。兰兰走着走着,发现有点不对劲。怎么走了半天还没看见白马石刻公园呢?兰兰心里十分着急,兰兰心里想:哎呀,怎么办呢? 就在这时兰兰眼前一亮,她看到一位戴着眼镜,满头白发的老爷爷。兰兰飞快地跑到老爷爷的面前问:“老爷爷您好!请问您知道去白马石刻公园怎么走吗?”老爷爷心里想:这个小姑娘可真懂礼貌呀!老爷爷笑眯眯地说:“你一直往东走,就能看到白马石刻公园的大门了。”兰兰说:“谢谢老爷爷,爷爷再见!”说完兰兰就向着白马石刻公园飞奔过去。


JOJO的故事横跨100多年,传承了整整八代人。故事是从十九世纪的一个英国庄园开始的。初代JOJO(乔纳森·乔斯达)的父亲收留了其“救命恩人”的儿子,一个名叫迪奥·布兰度的孤儿,抚养他成人, 但迪奥图谋JOJO家族的财产,谋杀了乔纳森的父亲。事败之后,为了报复,不惜戴上神秘的石鬼面,成为了不老不死的吸血鬼,得到了不可思议的强大力量。而乔纳森后来也跟威廉·A·齐贝林学习了能杀死吸血鬼的波纹气功,而最后乔纳森在与迪奥同归于尽的时候也留下了后代。















In my holiday, I did a lot of things, this holiday, I am very busy, very happy, this is a fun, busy weekend.

  On Saturday morning, I got up early, I do my homework. In the afternoon, I went to the library, in the reading of a book. In the evening I with my parents watch TV. In the afternoon of Sunday, I with mother go to Jiushan Park, I am very happy to play. In the evening, I play computer games at home.This is a happy holiday, this is my holiday.


My problem

I’m a Grade 9 student. I enjoy painting very much. However, I’m very busy and I usually cannot find enough time to do the things I like to do. In fact, many students of my age feel stressed.

One main cause of stress is too much homework. We do not know when to work and when to play. I can’t achieve a balance between the two. So I have to give up my hobby. Do you have the same problem? How do you deal with it?


I was so excited when i entered the college. For so many years, I worked hard to achieve this dream and finally i made it. Everything seemed fresh and curious to me. I was so pleased that I would enjoy my college life soon.

  when i was in high school, I had to study all the time and hardly had spare time to do what i wanted to.Besides, I had to focus on my textbooks and doing exercise again and again. Therefore, I had little time to read magazines and novels and watch TV. what was worse, I couldnt play with my friends a lot, which I couldnt stand the most. In a word, all i did in high shool should be considered for the College Entrance Examination. dedecms.com

  However, my college life is totally different from the life in high school.I can arrange my time freely. I spend most of my time reading in the library, where I can open my eyes and broaden my mind.In my free time, I also join some clubs,where i can make a lot of friends of different majors. My teachers in college are so kin