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1、 网络游戏可以放松心情,释放压力,提高反应能力。

2、 在网络游戏上我们可以开阔视野,随心所欲,不受任何控制。

3、 上网玩游戏让双手变得敏捷、提高打字水平和电脑知识的应用。

4、 网络可以结识更多的朋友,增强社交能力。

5、 有些网络游戏可以增添学习乐趣。

6、 网络对我们的工作学习有很大的帮助,像查资料等等。

7、 可以网上购物。




小学生写英语作文的好处的话就是可以锻炼你写句子的能力,也可以让你更好的知道句型,比如一些疑问句 句型,如:你喜欢什么科目?英语说的话就是:What subjects Do you like?它的句型就是what +subjects+do/does+称+Ⅰike/Likes ,如果你写作文的话 就可以很清楚的知道它的句型是怎么写的,这两点就是写英语作文的好处。


Today,the Ipad is fashion product,is a lot of young people and pursue it.

The function of the Ipad many,than the average computer phone function more diverse,and easy to carry,can enjoy the pleasure of Internet bring immediate and convenient,this is why many young people pursue causes.In the study,Ipad make learning easier,more convenient,also can broaden the knowledge,and make learning better.But the Ipad itself to the study the negative effects are obviously.Luxury Ipad very easy let students indulge among them,addicted to the game,addicted to comparisons.

Ipad is the time high-tech product,in the hope that we can make good use of,play the Ipad really works.


Some people say that the computer is more of a menace than a blessing . what do you think ?

  The compute r is a sign of the era , which has brought and is bringing about a t remendous change in our lifestyle . the view that cer tain people maintain that it is more of a menace than a blessing seems ridiculous and completely out of place in a world that has learnt to enjoy and use the computer .

  Before the invention of the computer , near ly everything was slow . data processing was slow, typing on the typewriter was tedious , accounting was done by hand . it was the computer that sped up all these daily office affair s and fr eed people from repeated drudge ries .

  The probable r eason that the comp ute r is a menace is derived from the fact that there a re people who have lost their jobs because the computer has made them r edundant . true, a small portion of people may have lost their jobs because they cannot and will not u se the computer ; however , most companies and work units whe re compute rs have replaced people do not just retrench workers . in st ead , they go through elabor ate progr ammes to ret rain the staff .

  Another r eason for looking at the computer as a menace is perhaps due to the fact that it makes people waste time playing games . t his is a ridiculous accusation , as time could just as well be wasted watching silly tv programmes . in addition , playing games is interactive and is something that one chooses to do, it is not compulsory . therefore, to call the computer a menace is groundless .

  To conclude , the above a re just par t of my a rgument , but i think i have made it clea r that the compute r is a bles sing instead of a menace . however , ther e is still enough space for counter- argument .








