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pep小学英语六年级上册第四单元教案 pep小学英语六年级上册第四单元教案及教学反思

小学英语PEP六年级上册第六单元story time翻译?

这个是人教版的C部分:Story timeJoe:Do monkeys live in the mountains?乔:猴子们住在山里吗?Dad:Yes,they do.爸爸:是的,他们住在山里。Joe:I like monkeys,don't you?乔:我喜欢猴子,你不喜欢吗?Dad:Me too.爸爸:我也喜欢。(Suddenly Joe sees a monkey.)(乔突然看见了一只猴子。)Joe:Look!A little monkey.It's hurt.乔:看!一只小猴子。它受伤了。Dad:Yse.爸爸:是的。Joe:Let's take care of him.乔:让我们好好照顾它吧。Mom:


about naming it Ben?妈妈:好的。我们叫它本怎么样?Joe:Great!乔:太好了!Mom:Ben can't live with us for ever.Let's give it to zoo.妈妈:本不能永远和我们住在一起。我们把它送到动物园吧。Joe:No,no……乔:不,不……Joe:(Sobbing)No,let him stay with us.乔:(抽泣)不,让它和我们待在一起吧。Mom:Joe,let's go.妈妈:乔,我们走吧。Parents:Hey,


are you doing?父母:嗨,乔。你在干什么?Joe:I love Ben.I'll live with him from now on.乔:我爱本。从现在起我要和它住在一起。

pep小学英语六年级上册五单元B部分let's talk翻译?

Chen:你妈妈是干什么的? Mike:她是一名会计。

Chen:她在哪里工作? Mike:她在一家汽车公司工作。

Chen:她怎么去工作呢? Mike:她乘公交车去工作。




句子  What is your hobby? / What’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?  I like singing. 我喜欢唱歌。 / I like collecting stamps. 我喜欢集邮。  What is his / her hobby? 他/她的爱好是什么  He / She likes collecting stamps. 他/她喜欢集邮。  We look the same. 我们看上去很像。  Three boys like playing football. 三个男孩子喜欢踢足球。  One boy likes riding a bike. 一个男孩子喜欢骑自行车。  They like making kites. 他们喜欢做风筝。  Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? 你的笔友住在上海吗?  No, he doesn’t. 不是。/ Yes, he does. 是的。  I teach English in Linping No.2 primary school. 我在临平二小教英语。  He teaches English in Linping No.2 primary school. 他在临平二小教英语。  I go to work by bus. 我坐公交车去上班。  He goes to work by bus.他坐公交车去上班。  Does she teach English? 她教英语吗? No, she doesn’t. 不,她不教 / Yes, she does.是的。  She teaches math. 她教数学。


句子  What is your hobby? / What’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?  I like singing. 我喜欢唱歌。 / I like collecting stamps. 我喜欢集邮。  What is his / her hobby? 他/她的爱好是什么  He / She likes collecting stamps. 他/她喜欢集邮。  We look the same. 我们看上去很像。  Three boys like playing football. 三个男孩子喜欢踢足球。  One boy likes riding a bike. 一个男孩子喜欢骑自行车。  They like making kites. 他们喜欢做风筝。  Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? 你的笔友住在上海吗?  No, he doesn’t. 不是。/ Yes, he does. 是的。  I teach English in Linping No.2 primary school. 我在临平二小教英语。  He teaches English in Linping No.2 primary school. 他在临平二小教英语。  I go to work by bus. 我坐公交车去上班。  He goes to work by bus.他坐公交车去上班。  Does she teach English? 她教英语吗? No, she doesn’t. 不,她不教 / Yes, she does.是的。  She teaches math. 她教数学。


 this year's summer vacation, we went to all sorts of family fun and interesting place to play, we went to one hundred and one building, yuemei explore parks, high-speed rail museum … … to explore other fun and interesting place to play, i always feel happy time is too soon, this summer i had a very happy, so happy i will feel the light always goes quickly.  i remember the summer of this year, our family has to taipei, one hundred and one building, no elevator to the top floor, you can see taipei, i feel like a big giant house like a toy house, a car is like toy house, people are like small ants as small, i find it very interesting.  in addition, we have the whole family to explore the park yuemei, where the big oh! let's play the ferris wheel,  ferris wheel to a high place, then




三 holiday节日;假日 booklet小册子 hotel 旅馆 wterfall瀑布 raft 竹筏 木筏trip旅行 forecast 预报 四 stream小溪 miss想念 come back回来


Mike迈克美国男 ChenJie陈洁中国女 WuYifan吴一凡中国男 Amy艾米美国女 Sarah莎拉美国女 John约翰加拿大男 LiuYun刘云中国女 ZhangPeng张鹏中国男 BaiLing白玲中国女 MissWhite怀特老师美国女 MrBlack布莱特老师中国男


PEP小学英语是2012年5月人民教育出版社出版的英语教材,作者是人民教育出版社、课程教材研究所英语课程教材研究开发中心、加拿大灵通教育Lingo Learning Inc有限公司合编

