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兴趣爱好使我长大成人英语 爱好能使你长大成人的英语


My hobbies are fit, because he not only makes us concentrate on doing something, but also exercise to enhance immunity. I really like fitness because I can have a healthy body.


你这句话有问题,应该这么说:我认为音乐可以使我放松,而且感觉很享受。 翻译: I think music can make me relaxed and feel enjoyeable .


你好!我喜欢英语并且喜欢运动,因为英语使我快乐,运动使我健康And like sports, I like English because English makes me happy, exercise makes me healthy


长大成人的英语可以翻译为 grow up,其过去式为 grew up。grow的过去式为grew,过去分词为 grown。

男性长大成人也可以翻译为grow to manhood,女性长大成人也可以翻译为grow to womanhood。





I hope I can become a doctor in the future.I was born in a doctor's family.My parents are both doctors.They are always busy working for patients' health and have no time to look after me.They saved many people's lives during their work.The doctor is called "Angles in White".

Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore,i wish to be a doctor like my parents.I hoped future I might be a doctor

I like reading books when I have time. I think it's a good way to relax and spend my free time. When I was a kid, my mother often read books for me before I went to bed. From then on I was interested in reading books. "Books are man's best friends."

Books give us knowledge.Through reading, we can understand more kinds of people, how do they think. When I read, I always lose myself in the book and forget all my worries. I like reading all kinds of books, story-books, novels and so on. My farourite book is "Harry Porter"


 Life is a struggle. I shall never forget the most striking part of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow' s poem -- A Psalm of Life:

  "In the world's blood field of battle, In the bivouac of life, Be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be a hero in the strife!"

  Ludwig van Beethoven was a typical "hero in the strife". He was not only one of the greatest composers, but also one of

  the most persevering men. As a deaf man, he went on working with his strong will in the last year of his life, though he

  was not able to hear his own fine and original music. Another example of persistence in struggle is Deng Yaping. She once

  said that her technique came from continuous training, emphasizing the importance of daily practice to a player.

  As a student, I seem to be in a boat sailiug against the current. I must make an effort to forge ahead. A little

  carelessness will result in being driven back. Indeed, learning is a struggle against idleness and carelessness. Following

  the examples of Ludwig van Beethoven and Deng Yaping, I shall take great pains to urge myself on, moving steadily forward

  like a heroic boatman in the rough sea of knowledge.


The benefits of running

Exercise benefits exercise is good for us. It is natural that running is one of the best exercises for people's body and mind. Therefore, I go jogging in my free time, which is free.

I think running has many advantages. Running is the best way to strengthen the heart and ensure the effective flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body. In addition, running can not only improve our immune system, make our body function more effective against bacteria, but also increase bone density, thus preventing osteoporosis.

In addition, because every time I run, I can reduce the pressure after joining school, and I am in a good mood. There is no doubt that exercise is healthy. Physical exercise can relieve my stress, keep healthy and get along well with others.

We should exercise regularly. It will make us live a better life.


It can make us healthy.这个句子中的“使”用make 翻译最好make有个句型是make sb. doneadj.n.译为“使某人...”



Love Makes Me Progress

Love is an amazing feeling that can inspire people to achieve great things. In my life, love has played a significant role in helping me to progress and improve myself.

Firstly, the love of my family has been a constant source of support and encouragement. My parents have always believed in me and pushed me to do my best, whether it was in school, sports, or other activities. They have taught me to be resilient and to never give up on my dreams. Their love has given me the confidence to take on challenges and strive for excellence.

Secondly, the love of my friends has also been instrumental in my growth and development. My friends have been my cheerleaders and sounding boards, providing valuable feedback and guidance whenever I needed it. They have taught me the importance of teamwork and collaboration, and have shown me that anything is possible when we work together and support each other.

Finally, the love of my passions and interests has driven me to explore new horizons and expand my skills and knowledge. Whether it is writing, music, or photography, my love for these things has pushed me to learn more, practice more, and create more. Through my passions, I have discovered new talents and abilities, and have gained a deeper appreciation for the world around me.

In conclusion, love has been a powerful force for progress in my life. Through the love of my family, friends, and passions, I have been able to overcome obstacles, pursue my dreams, and become the best version of myself. I am grateful for the love that surrounds me, and I know that it will continue to inspire me to achieve even greater things in the future.

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