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爱好可以使你成长英语 爱好可以使你成长英语翻译


What's your hobby? My hobby is playing football.

What do you like to do? I like to play football.


1.His hobby is freefall parachuting.

2.Her hobbies include music, dancing, sport and cooking.

3.Among his many hobbies was the breeding of fine horses.

4.My hobbies are letter writing, foot-ball, music, photography, and tennis.

5.Their friendship developed through their shared interest in the Arts.


Sometimes I want to grow up quickly, so I can be an adult and enjoy their moment, but my parents tell me that being mature needs to pay some price.

I sometimes will make my parents angry, because I make the mistake.

They tell me that it is the price of growing up.

Being mature means I have to learn from the mistake.


爱好英文是hobby,音标英 [ˈhɒbi] 美 [ˈhɑ:bi] hobby英 [ˈhɒbi] 美 [ˈhɑ:bi]  第三人称复数:hobbies hobby 基本解释 名词:业余爱好; 嗜好,兴趣; 小马 hobby 双语例句

1. He works in a bank, but his hobby is building model boats. 他在银行工作,但他的业余爱好是做船舶模型。

2. He pursued his hobby of collecting old almanacs for so many years. 许多年来他一直保持着收集旧历书的嗜好。


你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: 你可真幸福。

You can be happy. 希望我的回答对你有帮助。


My hobby

  Everyone has his or her own hobby.Today I am going to talk about my hobby.My hobby is swimming.I like it very much,although I don't swim very well.And I go to swim with my friends every summer.My swimming coat is blue,because blue is my favourite color.I enjoy swimming in the sun,it's really cool.

  I hope I can learn to swim well this summer.


I think will have a robot in my room . It will do lost of work for me.In the morning , it will wake me up on time and cook breakfast for me .After I go to shool ,it will crean my room.When I finish my homework ,it will sing and dance .It will teach me English and we will talk to each other in English .If I am sad , it will tell jokes and make me happy .I will have a good time .We'll be good friends


特长的话应该是家长所送的培训班:例如女生跳舞、唱歌;男生练跆拳道、乐器等.这根据家长对孩子的要求、学校对学生的要求、孩子自己的兴趣爱好定' 努力方向:一年级的孩子只要养成基本的良好品格,不管什么方向都会 成功的.例如,在学校里:喜欢老师,喜欢学习,自信,有爱心,跟同学相处得体,学习成绩优秀,是一个小绅士小淑女;在家里:是妈妈的好帮手,爸爸的小棉袄,一家人的开心果.总之,孩子,快乐成长就好.








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