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爱好的好处英语短语怎么说怎么写 爱好的好处英语短语怎么说怎么写的


  1、any kind of interest include nature have tendencies to cry, maybe also contains a kind of in a state of nature in the flash of genius.任何一种兴趣都包含着天性中有倾向性的呼声,也许还包含着一种处在原始状态中的天才的闪光。 

  2、each heart love, raw onions and leeks.各人心里爱,生葱拌韭菜。 

  3、every time i read a book being immersed in the ocean of books, forget everything, forget myself.每次看书我都会沉浸在书的海洋里,忘记一切,忘记自我。 

  4、good to finish.好者能精。




爱好广泛。 She has a good few hobbies. 兴趣广泛的人 a man with wide interests 兴趣广泛的人 a man of multiple interests 他的兴趣广泛。 His interests are manifold. 他兴趣广泛。 He is a man of wide interests. 兴趣广泛、多样、


不太清楚你具体问的是什么,希望这些回答可以帮到你。surprise (名词,或者动词)惊喜;让...人惊讶 It's a big surprise.这是一个大惊喜;It surprises me. 这让我惊讶。

surprised (形容词)惊讶的。

I'm very surprised. 我很惊讶accident (名词)意外,事故 It is an accident. 这是一个事故


拆除的英语短语:pull down、tear down


短语的英文翻译是phrase,在句中可以作为名词和动词使用,具体解析如下:phrase英 [freɪz] 美 [frez] n.成语;乐句;说法;短语vt.叙述,措词vt.& vi.划分乐句,分乐节(尤指为奏乐或歌唱)相关短语:

1、noun phrase [语] 名词短语 ; 名词组 ; 名词词组 ; 名词片语2、Parting phrase 告别字句3、Phrase Search 短语检索 ; 词组检索 ; 短语搜索 ; 词组搜索4、Phrase reading 成组视读 ; 组视读 ; 意群阅读 ; 短语阅读5、phrase degradation 短语降格扩展资料相关例句:1、Rose's stories weren't bad; she had a nice turn of phrase. 罗斯的故事写得不错,她的语言表达形象生动。

2、The speech was carefully phrased . 该演讲措词严谨。

3、Cross out this phrase. 抹掉这个短语。

4、A phrase from the conference floor set my mindwandering. 会上发言者的一句话让我思绪飘远。

5、There is almost no phrase so simple that he cannot mangle it . 几乎再简单的话他也表达不清。


take part in 就是参加什么活动了,join in 比较倾向于参加俱乐部或者是组织~~~participate 也可以哦~~~


hobby 兴趣爱好taste 嗜好be interested in/ have a tastefor对。。。有兴趣refined taste 高雅的品位suit one’s taste 符合某人的嗜好man ofversatiletastes 兴趣广泛的人stamp collecting 集邮music appreciation音乐欣赏hunting打猎baseball 棒球tennis 网球soccer 足球swimming 游泳horse-race赛马handicraft手工艺mahjong 麻将surfing 冲浪skiing 滑雪hitch-hike免费搭便车旅行hiking徒步旅行bag-packer 背包(自助旅行)者museum 博物馆art gallery画廊souvenir 纪念品



[网络] The Longest Ride; The Longest Journey; TheLongestJourney; The Longest journe;


It'll be the longest time he's been apart from his family.


翻译如下: 不时,时而的 From time to time. 例句: Keep your head up, and look around you from time to time. 要抬起头,不时看看四周。

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