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爱好是唱歌 爱好是唱歌跳舞英语


My Hobbies

I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, and keeping a diary.

In school, I often hear the P.E. teacher say, sports do good to one's health, and will make one live longer. So, I like sports very much. I go running in the morning, and after classes in the afternoon. I play basketball with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy.

At home, I like to sing . I hope I will be a singer when I grow up.

Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others. When I grow up, I will serve the people with the knowledge I have learned from them.


Shit, what a title. I hate singing and my teacher wanted me to write singing is my hobby. I can't sing because my voice is score and I always sing out of tune. All my friend said my singing is only good for singing yellow songs. Because of my score voice and my out of tuning singing, sing dirty songs really entertaining. So unconsiouly, after many singing sessions in the toilet, I realized my hobby is singing. However it is only singing yellow or dirty songs.








我是一个性格开朗的人,在开心和不开心得时候我到爱唱歌来抒发我自己的心情。 我喜欢陈奕迅。




My Hobbies

I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, and keeping a diary.

In school, I often hear the P.E. teacher say, sports do good to one's health, and will make one live longer. So, I like sports very much. I go running in the morning, and after classes in the afternoon. I play basketball with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy.

At home, I like to sing . I hope I will be a singer when I grow up.

Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others. When I grow up, I will serve the people with the knowledge I have learned from them.




his hobby is playing ball、reading book and singing song


1. 他很爱唱歌,唱歌很大气,音调从低到高起伏很大,唱得荡气回肠,气势磅礴,绕梁三日,还有人唱得出这样的境界吗?

2. 王小玉便启朱唇,发皓齿,爱唱几句书儿。声音初不甚大,只觉入耳有说不出来的妙境。

3. 捕捉到了内心世界音乐的火花,才明白,倾听着映蓉美妙的歌声,伴着乐队的旋律,你会发现那首歌曲里依然残留着映蓉的声音。

4. 歌声是多姿多态的,不同的歌有着不一样的韵味,我们听起来是有着不一样的感觉的,酸甜苦辣咸都有。
