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爱好的好处英语短语翻译 爱好的好处英语短语翻译怎么写


  1、any kind of interest include nature have tendencies to cry, maybe also contains a kind of in a state of nature in the flash of genius.任何一种兴趣都包含着天性中有倾向性的呼声,也许还包含着一种处在原始状态中的天才的闪光。 

  2、each heart love, raw onions and leeks.各人心里爱,生葱拌韭菜。 

  3、every time i read a book being immersed in the ocean of books, forget everything, forget myself.每次看书我都会沉浸在书的海洋里,忘记一切,忘记自我。 

  4、good to finish.好者能精。



more than what is due




Superfluous例:Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only.


excess例:Skimming off the excess fat.


surplus 例:They plucked the surplus wool off.




invite sb. to eat sth.


Thailand people love to invite the customer to eat durian.


make.....look bad.或 be nasty to ....


Beware of someone who is trying to make you look bad.


other kids stopped being nasty to him.


tell sb. about sth.


Now, I want to tell you about the Lighthouses.


1、not only that2、no more than that具体释义:1、not only that英文发音:[nɒt ˈəʊnli ðæt]中文释义:不仅如此例句:Not only that, but it also reduces wrinkle-causing, skin-damaging stress.不仅如此,运动还能减少皱纹滋生和皮肤损害的压力。

2、no more than that英文发音:[mɔː(r) ðæn ðæt]中文释义:超过那么多;不仅如此;爱你更多例句:"Social" goes beyond Facebook, twitter and peer communities, and customers expect more than that.“社交”的含义远不止于Facebook、Twitter和同业社区,客户对社交这个概念抱有更高的期望。

3、only英文发音: [ˈəʊnli]中文释义:adv.只;只有;仅;仅在…情况下(或地点等);只不过;仅…而已例句:I only slept about half an hour that night.我那天晚上只睡了大约半个小时。

4、more英文发音:[mɔːr]中文释义:adv.(与两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词连用,构成比较级)更;(程度上)更强,更多例句:What's more, no one is going to do it for you.此外,也没有人会代替你去做什么。扩展资料only的用法:1、only用作副词时,意思是“只,仅仅,才”。only还常用在名词短语之前,尤其是用在以数量词或数字起始的名词短语之前,起强调作用。2、only后可加动词不定式结构作结果状语,表示“不料,结果却”,多用于意外和不幸的场合。如果“only+动词不定式”的结构较长,可用逗号与前面的成分隔开。3、“only+ v -ing”结构也可用作结果状语,通常表示一个自然的或意料之中的结果,意为“结果(只)是”,其前一般用逗号与前面的成分隔开。4、only位于句首并修饰句子的状语时,后面的句子要倒装。only用于将来时常常预示着不好的或不如意的事情发生。


a bill of fare          菜单;节目单 a case in point          一个恰当的例子 a couple of          一对,一双;几个 a far cry          遥远的距离 a few          少许,一些 a good deal          许多,大量;…得多 a good few          相当多,不少 a good many          大量的,许多,相当多 a hard nut to crack          棘手的问题 a little          一些,少许;一点儿 a lot of          大量,许多;非常 a number of          一些,许多 a point of view          观点,着眼点 a series of          一系列,一连串 a variety of          种种,各种 abide by          遵守(法律等);信守 abound in          盛产,富于,充满 above all          首先,首要,尤其是 above-mentioned          上述的 abstain from          戒除,弃权,避开 access to          接近;通向…的入口 according as          根据…而… according to          根据…所说;按照 account for          说明(原因等);解释 account for          占;打死,打落(敌机) accuse sb. of sth.          控告(某人某事) act for          代理 act on          按照…而行动 act out          演出 adapt to          适应 add up to          合计达,总计是 add up          加算,合计 adhere to          粘附在…上;坚持 adjacent to          与…毗连的 admire to do sth.          (美口)很想做某事 admit of          容许有,有…余地 admit to          承认 admit to          让…享有 advertise for          登广告征求(寻找)某物 affect to          假装 afford to          (买)得起(某物) after a little          过了一会儿 after a while          过了一会,不久 after all          毕竟,终究;虽然这样 agree about          对…有相同的看法 agree on          就…达成协议决定 agree on          同意,赞成 agree to          同意,商定 agree with          同意,与…取得一致 agree with          与…相一致;适合 ahead of schedule          提前 ahead of time          提前,在原定时间以前 ahead of          在…前面,先于;胜过 aim for          力争…,针对 all along          始终,一直,一贯 all at once          突然;同时;一起 all but          几乎,差一点 all in all          总的说来;头等重要的 all of a sudden          突然,冷不防 all one's life          一生,一辈子 all out          竭尽全力 all over again          再一次,重新 all over          到处,遍及;全部结束 all right          令人满意的;好,行 all right          行,可以;顺利;确实 all round          (在…)周围,处处 all the same          仍然,照样地 all the time          一直,始终 all the years round          一年到头 all too          太 allow for          考虑到,估计到;体谅 allow of          容许(有…),容得 along with          同…一道(一起) amount to          总共达到;实际上是 and all that          诸如此类 and all that          诸如此类 and so forth          等等 and so forth          等等,如此等等 and so on          等等 and so          所以,因此;同样 and that          而且 and the like          等等,以及诸如此类 and then          于是,然后 and what not          诸如此类,等等 and yet          而,然而 answer for          对…负责;符合… answer sb. back          (与某人)顶嘴,回嘴 answer up          应对迅速 any longer          再 any more          再;较多些 any number of          许多 anything but          除…以外任何事(物) apart from          除…之外(别无) appeal to          上诉 apply for          提出申请(或要求等) apply one's mind to          专心于… apply oneself to          致力于 apply to          向…申请或要求 apply...to          把…应用于 approach to          接近;约等于 approve of          赞成,满意 arm in arm          手挽手地 around the clock          昼夜不断地,全天地 arrive at          到达(某地) as a matter of fact          事实上,其实 as a matter of fact          事实上;其实 as a result of          由于;作为…的结果 as a result          作为结果 as a rule          通常,一般(说来) as a rule          通常;一般说来 as a whole          总体上 as best one can          尽最大努力 as concerns          关于 as far as          …那么远,直到;至于 as follows          如下 as for as          就…而论,据… as for          至于,就…方面说 as good as          和…几乎一样 as good as          几乎(实际)已经 as if          好像,仿佛 as it is          事实上,既然如此 as it were          似乎,可以说是 as long as          达…之外,长达 as long as          只要 as much as          尽…那样多;差不多 as regards          关于,至于 as soon as possible          尽快 as soon as          一…就… as sure as fate          千真万确 as to          至于,关于 as usual          像往常一样,照例 as well as          (除…之外)也,既…又 as well as          既…又;除…之外 as well          也,同样,不妨 as well          也,又 as yet          到目前为止 as...as...          象,如同,与…一样 aside from          (美)除…以外 ask after          询问,问候 ask for          请求,要求,寻求



例:Do you like to horse with me this afternoon? 今天下午你愿意陪我去骑马吗?


例:They rode over to see us last week. 上星期他们骑马来探望我们。




Wake- consciousness 唤醒意思

Wake 唤醒

Awareness 意识, 知道, 意兴

consciousness 意识, 觉悟, 知觉, 自觉性, 神志


举行 [jǔ xíng] come off hold 网络释义 汉语释义 take place Hold come off celebrate 短语 举行会议 hold a meeting ; Hold a conference ; Hold a celebrine ; hold 举行晚会 have a party ; Party ; evening 举行派对 have a party ; throw a party ; hold a party

初中生爱好 英语短语?

fun doing sth 玩得高兴

have conversations with friends 与朋友对话

get excited about 为…高兴,激动

enjoy doing 喜欢干…

watch English-language TV 看英语电视

on the swim team 游泳队的队员

play the piano 弹钢琴

I’m serious about running. 但我对跑步极感兴趣。/ 热衷于跑步。

Sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork.有时这些爱好会妨碍学习。

be fond of 爱好

be good at 善长于

be interested in 对……感兴趣

be keen on 喜爱

care for 照顾; 喜欢

prefer…to (比起……来)更喜欢

would love/like to (表示喜欢,愿意)很想;很愿意

would rather 宁愿, 宁可


play football

play rugby

play basketball

play volleyball

play ping pong


go swimming,

go skiing

go ice skating

go hiking

go for a walk

go on a picnic

play computer games

listen to music

do some reading

go to the movie

do chinese kong fu

do some cooking

Chinese calligraphy,

watch japanese cartoon

play chess

chat online

乐器类play +the +乐器

play the piano

play the violin

play the drum

play the guitar

play the trumpet

play erhu

play dizi

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