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爱好的好处英语句子简短带翻译 爱好的好处英语句子简短带翻译图片


I have many hobbies, such as playing computer games, reading comics, going shopping. I also like playing pingpong very much. I have a friend. His name is JooZone. He is crazy about playing pingpong, too. If we have free time, we often play pingpong together. 2010 summer holiday, he took me to a sports centre. Then we played pingpong together, but he always lost. He was very angry. He said to me, “I will beat you in a month.”“OK. We will have a match at that time.” After a month, when I talked to him about it, he answered, “I forgot the thing! I don't want to have a match with you.” I was very surprised and angry and said, “Oh, you're a forgetful boy!”翻译:我有许多爱好,比如玩网游,看漫画,购物。我也非常喜欢打乒乓球。我有一个朋友,他叫作文地带,他也是一个乒乓球迷。我们一有时间就一起结伴去打乒乓球。2010年的暑假(Joozone Note:今年暑假),他带我去了个运动中心。我们一起打起了乒乓球,但是他老输球。于是他很不高兴。他对我说:“我将在一个月后挑战你”。我说:“好。我们到时一比高下。”,一个月后的今天,当我问及此事时,他却说“我已经把这事给忘掉了,我可不想再跟你比了。”我很惊讶也很不高兴的说:“你这个人太健忘了!”。I have a lot of hobbies. I like playing badminton, listening to music and playing the piano. They are fun. My sister likes playing the piano very much. But my parents don’t like this. I don't like fishing or playing chess. My sister also does not like this. My sister and I have some same hobbies. What are your favourite hobbies? Can you tell me?翻译 :我有很多爱好。我喜欢打羽毛球,听音乐,弹钢琴。他们很有趣。我妹妹非常喜欢弹钢琴。但是我的父母不喜欢这个。我不喜欢钓鱼或下棋。我妹妹也不喜欢这个。我的姐姐和我有相同的爱好。你最喜欢的爱好是什么?你能告诉我吗?


WhoIstheLaziest? ,Tom,Iaskedtoyourteachertoday,andnowIwanttoaskyouaquestion.Whoisthelaziestpersoninyourclass? 'tknow,father. ,yes,youdo!Think!Whenotherboysandgirlsaredoingandwriting,whositsintheclassandonlywatcheshowotherpeoplework? ,father.areyoulateforschooleverymorning?timeIcometothecorner,asignsays,"School-Goslow".



The great writer gorky once said: "books are the ladder of human progress." "He spoke such a truth: actually the human to hard climbing, climbing a ladder of books. The books are made of ladder above, is a resplendent and magnificent palace of knowledge, therefore, we must try to climb, to learn from.

Human knowledge to create wealth, as the vast ocean, extensive and profound. People often think of elementary school, middle school and university studies described as the "everybody" on climbing, in the "university" swim in. So, we should read more books and books to purify the mind, in the book knowledge to enrich themselves.

In our life, if always too passively reading, tend to be less than the pleasure of reading. With a scholarly paper, open a little tenderness, and then quietly looked at the text as time moves slip from your eyes... At this time, you will feel that reading is a matter of how to make people happy! Reading is a kind of mood, the elegant comfortable is the best psychological reagent. Go to the reading, you will have more found.

Read more books, read good books. Due to a selective reading of the book of knowledge also should have choice to adopt, is the so-called take its essence.








Hi, everyone, nice to meet you all 嗨, 大家好, 很高兴见到你

My name is Jack. 我的名字是杰克

I live in China. 我住在中国

Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。

Positive active mind essential.有积极、灵活的头脑。

Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。善于同各种人员打交道。

Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently withoutsupervision。有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。

Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。


At the beginning of this holiday I made a time table for myself .假期的开始我就做了一份时间表.


my hobby:我的爱好


英 ['hɒbɪz] 美 ['hɔbɪz]

n. 兴趣爱好;嗜好;燕隼;小马(hobby的复数)


1、My Familys Hobbies 我家人的爱好

2、My family hobbies 我家里人的爱好

3、My hobbies are swimming 我的业余爱好是游泳 ; 我的爱好是游泳

4、My hobbies are soccer 我的兴趣爱好是踢球

5、My hobbies are 我的爱好是 ; 我的爱好有

6、My hobbies are badminton 我的业余爱好是羽毛球

7、My hobbies are climbing 我的爱好是爬山

8、My hobbies are football 我的兴趣爱好是足球

9、My hobbies are fishing 我的爱好是钓鱼



1. 我喜欢看电影和听音乐。

2. 我喜欢运动,特别是打篮球。

3. 我喜欢旅行,探索新的地方和文化。

4. 我喜欢阅读小说和历史书籍。

5. 我喜欢画画和创作艺术作品。

6. 我喜欢烹饪和尝试新的食谱。

7. 我喜欢学习新的语言和文化。

8. 我喜欢户外活动,比如徒步旅行和露营。

9. 我喜欢参加社交活动,结交新的朋友。

10. 我喜欢玩棋类游戏,比如围棋和象棋。


I play golf.

 1.I like play football,because it's very interesting我喜欢足球,因为它很有趣enjoy making new friends...我喜欢结交新朋友。。


Today many college students have their own hobbies. For example, some of them like singing; some of them enjoy playing the guitar; some of them are keen on painting; some of them are crazy about taking photos, and so on






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