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爱好的英文句子怎么写 爱好的英文句子怎么写简短


艺术爱好者art loverart艺术lover爱好者


I like music when I am boring.I enjoy reading which gains my extral knowledge . now I give up computer games because it influenced my study.Hope to a friend who has the same interests as me.




身高 = Height (cm) - Ht. 体重 = Weight (kg) - Wt. 姓名 = Name - Nm. (不确定~~

) 爱好 = Hobby - Hb.


1. 他很爱唱歌,唱歌很大气,音调从低到高起伏很大,唱得荡气回肠,气势磅礴,绕梁三日,还有人唱得出这样的境界吗?

2. 王小玉便启朱唇,发皓齿,爱唱几句书儿。声音初不甚大,只觉入耳有说不出来的妙境。

3. 捕捉到了内心世界音乐的火花,才明白,倾听着映蓉美妙的歌声,伴着乐队的旋律,你会发现那首歌曲里依然残留着映蓉的声音。

4. 歌声是多姿多态的,不同的歌有着不一样的韵味,我们听起来是有着不一样的感觉的,酸甜苦辣咸都有。






1趣味要淡雅,不可枯寂;操守要亚明,不可激烈。——洪应明 2乐趣的先决条件是美德,没有美德也就不会有什么乐趣。——伊壁鸠鲁 3丰富多彩是生活的调料,它是生活充满趣味。——威.柯珀 4幸福在于趣味,而不在于事物。——拉罗什夫科 5一个有勃勃生机和广泛趣味的人,可以战胜一切不幸。——罗素 6位有对外界事物抱有兴趣,才能使人们保持精神上的健康。——罗素



句子理解 Sentences ; Statements ; understanding sentences ; sentence comprehension

句子类型 Types of Sentences ; Sentence Types ; sentence type ; sentence pattern

改进句子 Improving Sentences

句子填充 The Sentence Completion Question

句子辨认 Sentence Recognition

句子重组 Jumbled sentences ; Scrambled Sentences ; Sentence Reconstruction

英语句子 English sentences ; English Sentence Writing ; english sentence ; english clauses

句子分类 Classification of Sentences ; classification by strtIcture ; Sentence Classification ; classification of the sentences

句子副词 Sentence adverbs

句子 [jù zi]sentence:

polish a sentence;


recast a sentence;


a clear and coherent sentence;

清晰、 连贯的句子。

split a long sentence into shorter ones;


throw the two sentences into one



1.People usually go to park to plant trees in one day  人们通常在这一天去公园植树  

2.All of us should protect trees,which will make the Earth more beautiful  我们每个人都应该爱护树木,这样可以使我们的地球更美丽  

3.We should ask classmates or friends to portect trees together  我们应叫同学或朋友一起去植树  

4.Planting Trees Day comes on March 12 every year. Do you know what can we do to help on the day?  每年的03月12日是植树节,你知道在这天我们要做些什么吗?  

5.everyone, if you want to make the air clean, please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees.  每个人,如果你想要使空气变得干净,那么请更好的保护环境和种更多的树  

6.Why do the people plant trees? It is very easy. Because they want to protect the environment.  为什么人们要植树?这很简单。因为他们想要保卫环境。  

7.There are many people who want to earn the money form only cutting down trees. So more and more trees are cut by them. But kind people want to protect the environment and make the air clean. So they plant trees as many as they can.  有许多想要通过砍伐树木来挣钱的人。那样越来越多树被他们砍断。但是善良人们想要保卫环境和使空气变得干净。因此他们尽最大努力的植树。  

8.All these actions show that people should pay more attention to the environment. We want to make it better, don’t we? So we must plant more trees to protect the environment.  所有这些行动展示人们将去更多的注意环境。我们希望变得更好,不是吗?所以我们必须植更多的树来保护环境。  

9.In China, Planting Trees Day is on March 12. This special day began in 1979. On that day, people can plant many trees.  在中国,植树节在03月12日。这特殊日子在1979年开始。在那一天,人们要种许多的树。  

10.if we plant trees more, we must also take care of the trees by watering them until they grow up to be strong.  如果我们种了许多的树木,我们必须照顾好它们,并按时浇水,直到它们茁壮成长。  

11.In different countries, Planting Trees Days are on different days. Like in India, Planting Trees Day is on July 1.  在不同国家,植树节在不同的日子。例如在印度,植树节在07月01日。

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