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爱好的好处和坏处英语作文 爱好的好处和坏处英语作文带翻译


Running is good for our health. It helps us keep happy.


Today's world, junk food is in all corner of street, junk food is convenient for us, especially for busy and lazy people, but junk food is not good food, please have junk food as normal meal will be end up so much trouble in their health.





It helps people remain a regular schedule and steady income, encouraging them to balance work and family.

They do not need to worry about their futuristic careers since it is a fixed job.


Some people who want to earn more or like to live a challenging lives may find it dull and boring with a steady job.

It is easy to develop the laziness of employees, enabling them to lose the ideas of learning throughout their whole lives.


for anyone, if we work for a long time, we need to have a good rest to release ourselves. some people like to have a long holiday. then, a long holiday is good or bad for people?

some one says. a long holiday is good for me. because i have worked for a long time, i really need to have a good rest. i want to visit some place to release. i want to sleep enough. the work give me too much presure, i cant breath. i want to rest and rest.

but some people says. holiday is good for me, but a long holiday is not very good. because the long holiday will make be become lazy and dont want to work any more. enough rest is ok for me.

well. i think enough rest is ok, but not very long time. how do you think about it?


the benifits and disavantages of having pets

pets are our friends. they are cute and they are fun. we need to feed and clean pets; we can learn to take responsibilities when we have pets. for older people, pets are very important.

pets stay with them and make them no longer lonely. sometimes pets can even save people's lives.

pets can also be dirty and dangerous- they might bite people and get us ill. sometimes pets can cost us a lot of money, too.


Today many college students have their own hobbies. For example, some of them like singing; some of them enjoy playing the guitar; some of them are keen on painting; some of them are crazy about taking photos, and so on




The Superiority and Limitation of Multimedia Techniques in English Teaching

LI Li (Zhengzhou Tourism Vocational Institute;Zhengzhou 450009;China)

The application of multimedia to English teaching is a new approach in recent years, which has obtained better effect. This paper states the superiority of multimedia techniques in senior English teaching. The article also analyzes the limitations of multimedia techniques in current situationmultimedia;senior English teaching;superiority;limitations



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