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My Room This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers in a vase, a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the end of my bed. I usually put my shoe under my bed. Of course there is a chair in front of the desk. I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside. 我的房间 这是我的房间。 在窗口附近有一张书桌。 我经常在那做我的家庭作业。 您能看有些书,有些花在花瓶里,一把格尺和笔。 在墙壁在书桌有猫的图片。 有一个时钟在我的床上的末端。 我通常把我的鞋子放在我的床下。 当然有一把椅子在书桌前面。 我坐那里,并且我能看外面的树和路 Skating Mom bought me a pair of skating shoes at my fifth birthday. From then on, I developed the hobby of skating. It not only makes me stronger and stronger, but also helps me know many truths of life. I know that it is normal to fall, and if only you can get on your feet again and keep on moving, you are very good! 滑冰 妈妈买了我一双冰鞋鞋子在我的第五个生日。 从那时起,我爱好滑冰。 它不仅使我越来越加强,而且帮助我知道生活许多真谛。 我知道摔倒是正常的,并且,如果只有你能摔倒后再站起来,就是非常好! The Sea What do you know about the sea? Some people know about it, but others don’t. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day, the sea is very big. In the world, there is more sea than land. Do you know Hainan Island? It’s really very nice. We can see beaches, trees and the sea. We can swim and visit a lot of beautiful places. 海 你对海知道些什么? 某些人知道关于它,但其他不。 海看起来美丽在一个美好的晴天,海是非常大的。 在世界上,比土地有更多海。 您是否知道海南岛? 那非常好。 我们能看海滩、树和海。 我们可以游泳和参观很多美好的地方。


小学生 学习英语 ,不妨多阅读带翻译的英语短文,浅显易懂又有趣。下面我和大家一起,学习小学英语短文。


My childhood was happy with my mother's love. In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy, and never got sick. She took me to the kindergarten and home every day, in spite of rain and wind.

But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn't know what had happened. I sat beside her and wanted to cry. My mother said to me, It doesn't matter, mum has only a stomachache. I will be all right after a while. Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain.

At that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.

在妈妈的呵护下,我的童年是快乐的。在我幼小的心灵中,妈妈强壮健康,永远不会生病。无论是下雨还是刮风,她每天带我在幼儿园和家之间穿梭。 但是有一天,我们从幼儿园回来后,妈妈进屋就躺在了床上。我禾知道发生什么了,坐在她旁边想哭。妈妈对我说:“没关系,妈妈只是胃疼,一会就会好。”虽然妈妈这么说,但我发现了她疼得眼中含着眼泪。那个时候我才知道大人也会生病,也会哭的。从那时起我决定要照顾妈妈。


The fried-chicken restaurant where I was working had a big rush just before closing one day, leaving us with nothing to sell but wings.

As I was about to lock the doors, aa quietly intoxicated customer came in and ordered dinner. When I asked if wings would be all right, he leaned over the counter and replied, Lady, I came in here to eat, not fly.



Juanita: Hello! My name's Juanita Read. What's your name? Song Yang: I am Song Yang. Juanita: Nice to meet you! Song Yang: Nice to meet you, too!

Where are you from? Juanita: I'am from Oxford in England. What about you?

Song Yang: Oh, I come from Xi'an in Shanxi. Can you speak Chinese? Juanita: I understand Chinese a little, but I don't speak it very well. Song Yang: Oh, I understand English a little, but I don't speak it very well! Juanita: Then let's speak Chinglish! Song Yang: Or Englese!

娟妮塔:你好!我叫娟妮塔.里德,你叫什么名字? 杨松:我叫杨松 娟妮塔:很高兴见到你 杨松:我也很高兴见到你。你从哪儿来? 娟妮塔:我来自英国牛津,你呢? 杨松:我来自陕西的西安,你会说中文吗? 娟妮塔:我懂一点中文,但我说得不是很好。 杨松:哦,我懂一点英语,但我说得也不太好。 娟妮塔:那我们来说中式英语吧~ 杨松:或者是英式中文!


Lan and Fred were boys. They were both twelve years old, and they were in the same class in their school.

Last Friday afternoon they had a fight in class, and their teacher was very angry. He said to both of them, “Stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a thousand times.”

After the last lesson, all the other boys went home, but Lan and Fred stayed in the classroom with their teacher and begin writing their names. Then Fred began crying.

The teacher looked at him and said,” Why are you crying, Fred?” “Because his name’s Lan May, and mine’s Frederick Hollingsworth,” Fred said.

易恩和富雷得都是男孩,他们都十二岁了。他们在学校里是同班同学。上周五下午他们在学校里打了一架。为此老师很生气。老师对他们说:“下午下课后留在着把你们的名字写一千遍。” 最后一节课下课,所有的学生都回家了。只有易恩和富雷得被他们的老师留在教师里抄写他们的名字。 接着富雷得哭了起来。 老师看了看他问:“富雷得,你为什么要哭呢?” “因为他的名字是Lan May, 而我的名字确是Frederick Hollingsworth,”富雷得回答道。


1. 优秀小学英语作文带翻译四篇

2. 英语美文小短文带翻译

3. 英语小短文加翻译

4. 小学英语作文带翻译

5. 英语美文小短文加翻译












