我国基础教育英语课程经过十几年改革, 课程宗旨和课程目标都发生了根本的变化, 课程宗旨从教书向育人转变, 课程目标由从过去关注学科知识和技能, 关注培养学生的综合语言运用能力, 转向了指向学科育人的英语学科核心素养。
教育部《普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) 》(2003年版, 以下简称 课标2003 ), 界定的 综合语言运用能力 课程目标由五个要素构成, 即语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识, 这五个要素共同对综合语言运用能力形成影响。但是, 这一目标未能脱离学科本位的思路, 各要素如何协同对综合语言运用能力产生影响并不清晰, 课标2003 也未能提供具体且可操作的实施途径。
教育部《普通高中英语课程标准 》(2017年版) 基于国际、国内有关核心素养研究的最新研究成果, 结合我国课程改革的现状和问题, 重新优化整合了原有的课程目标, 提出了由语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力四要素构成的英语学科核心素养目标。在这一目标中, 语言能力的发展带动并渗透对文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的发展, 而文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的发展又反过来促进语言能力的进一步提升。
以往提出的 双基 目标强调的是知识和技能的获得, 忽视了情感态度价值观教育的重要性。之后提出基于综合语言运用能力 的“三维 目标虽然增加了 过程与方法 和 情感态度价值观 两个维度, 但在实际教学中, 往往只见知识与技能的培养。例如在英语教学和评价中, 关注的仍然是语法知识、词汇量和听说读写技能,情感态度价值观 难以有机融入教学和评价。
学科核心素养目标超越了 双基 和 三维, 强调的是知识、能力与价值观的有机融合。以学科核心素养为发展目标的教育, 形成的是整合的、跨学科的、可沉淀的、可迁移的综合素养, 融合了认知性素养和非认知性素养, 可伴随学生一生, 终身受益。核心素养既可解决双基的偏向问题, 也可强化 三维目标的可操作性、可检测性和可达成性等整体表现。
Mental retardation refers to significantly below average intelligence, during growth (that is, before the age of eighteen) defects in adaptive behavior.
People with intellectual disabilities are age eighteen is the intelligence assessment was significantly lower than the average person, that IQ in the seventies or less, and there are two or more relative to the same culture with people of all ages and slowly developed in the following areas of life in adaptation difficulties - communication, self-care, home living, social, use of community resources, to find their way, academic, work, leisure time and health and safety.
Causes of mental retardation caused by many, can be divided into two major categories of congenital and post-factors:
(A) congenital factors
Chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, genetic factors combine problems; metabolic problems. Inbreeding or older mothers under relatively easy to produce such a baby.
(Ii) acquired factors
During pregnancy: the mother during pregnancy acquired infections (such as measles too, diabetes), wrong medication, falls, malnutrition, alcoholism, smoking, drug use, or by X-ray radiation and so may lead to the infection of babies born mentally retarded.
During production: premature birth, childbirth, baby hypoxia, infection and lead in children or underweight or stunted brain damage, and mental retardation.
During babies and young children: newborn baby cramps, low blood sugar, bacterial infections (such as meningitis, jaundice), malnutrition or accidentally make brain damage, affects intelligence.
Nurture: Cultivation also acquired environmental impact of individual intellectual development